Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Work in Progress...

A few months ago I was contacted by a wonderful person in England who wanted to commission me for an Alice in Wonderland Doll. So, I took her up on the offer and it is turning out quite well. She'll be jointed at the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. She'll also have her trademark locks and dress as well. But so far this is where I am at with her.


DarrellH said...

Good work!

Loreluca said...

This is absolutely AWSOME!!! Love what you are creating! And thanks for sharing this doll from the beginning; it's fantastic to see the creative process, step by step!!!

Loreluca said...

PS.- Did I tell you I LOVE that picture of you??? You look GREAT!

Artful Creations by Tracie said...

Hi Cindy!

I'm a good friend of Paula's and I surely don't know why she's been hiding you from me! I live rather close to you...New Lenox!! Anyway, she spotlighted your stuff on her blog and so I had to come and take a peek!! You sure do some wonderful stuff!!! I will have to keep you in mind if I ever need something.

CLBcreations said...

Thanks Tracie, it is a small world isn't it?