Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back Into the Swing of Things!

Yup..I am back.
Time to get my hands dirty and start listing again.

I took a bit of a self imposed break from crafting for a while...and now I'm anxious to get the ball rolling again. I have lots of ideas of some new critters as well as some new ideas for working with different mediums.

I have recently been working on some collage work..and made some lovely paintings for my mom, mother-in-law and sister-in-law..HOWEVER...I somehow forgot to take pictures : / Hopefully I can get them to snap a few and I'll post it up here.

I'm currently interested in encaustic collage...I have read a few books from Claudine Hellmuth and really love her style. So..last weekend I went to the Naperville Farmers Market and picked up a couple of pounds of beeswax. Needing something to melt it in seemed like a bit of a challenge. I would have loved to buy one of those neat Ranger/Utee Melting Pots..but didnt have the $30 to spend. So, I rambled on down to the local GoodWill store and actually found a mini crockpot for $3! BINGO. It works perfectly too.

Another idea I had was to change up my dragons a bit..so I started encorporating diff items into the sculpture that I wouldnt normally. The two I'm working on now have a wood "core" and will be painted. Normally I use a foil core and completely encase it in clay. I will snap some pictures as soon as I can find the "big" camera.

Well...I guess thats in a nut shell for now..looking forward to getting this blog up and rolling again as well.

All the best!


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